 Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is an application programming interface for accessing databases with SQL.
- Starting with version 3.0, the ODBC API was aligned with the international standard SQL Call Level Interface (SQL/CLI). There are commercial and freeware implementations of ODBC and ODBC drivers for Windows operating systems, Linux, Macintosh operating systems and various flavors of Unix.
Sponsor Links Fast, reliable data access for ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET and XML
This ODBC portal includes links to ODBC-related articles, books and tools.
Articles, White Papers
by John Paul Ashenfelter Database Access Protocols
by Easysoft Linux/Unix ODBC
by Lee Fesperman
"Open Data Access and ODBC"
ODBC Thread Safety
by Kingsley Idehen
OpenLink ODBC White Paper
by Microsoft "Understanding ODBC Security Issues" Keyset Cursor DELETE bug
Office 2000 ODBC Driver Security Update
by Ken North
Middleware in Action
Examining Data Access APIs
"Understanding ODBC and Multidatabase APIs" "Plugging SQL and ODBC into Integration Frameworks"  "ODBC Reality and Developer Experiences"
"The Future of Data Access"
"Understanding ODBC 3.0, Standards and OLE DB"
"Performance Testing, ODBC, and Native SQL APIs"
"Building Web Databases"
"Using Interoperable SQL"
"Microsoft APIs Expand Web Data Access Options"
"ODBC Extends Reach to Servers and Web"
"Portable Database Programming with Java"
"Streamline Database Applications" "ODBC Branches Out" "ODBC 3.0" "Whither ODBC?" "A Generic SQL Class Library"
"ODBC, JDBC, and the Quest for a Black Box (Chinese)
"ODBC, JDBC und die Suche nach der Black Box" "Windows and Databases Meet the Inter(intra)net"
by Paul Reed
"Using ODBC for Accessing Nontabular Data"
by Andrew Stopford "Using ODBC with PHP"
Performance, Benchmarks
Wire protocol ODBC Benchmarks ODBC vs Native APIs 
APIBench Performance Information
Performance Testing, ODBC, and Native SQL APIs
DBMS Dr. Dobb's Journal
First SQL
Integrity Data Systems
Intelligent Enterprise iODBC Project DataDirect Technologies
Microsoft ODBC OpenLink Software
Salterton Hill Ltd. Simba Technologies unixODBC
API Documentation
ODBC API Reference (MSDN)
unixODBC User Manual
Database Magic with Ken North
The ODBC Solution Windows Multi-DBMS Programming
List of Drivers and Providers
Tools, SDKs
Common Lisp SQL-ODBC (download) Dr. DeeBee Tools and ODBC SDK
Driver SDKs, XML Tools Easysoft ICOBOL ODBC Interface OpenAccess ODBC SDK
Open Link iODBC SDK Python ODBC Module
SimbaLib ODBC SDK SQL/CLI Kit (Linux)
FAQs, Etcetera
Win32::ODBC FAQ ODBC Myths and Facts Hall of Fame
microsoft.public.data.odbc comp.databases
comp.database.ibm-db2 comp.databases.informix comp.databases.ms-sqlserver comp.databases.oracle.server
"Saying a database is ODBC-compliant is like saying Titanic is a VHS-compliant movie."
| SQL Summit | | Data Access | | JDBC Drivers | | DB2 Extenders | | OLE DB Providers | | XQuery Engines |
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This page was last updated on 01-Oct-2007.