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Contributing editor interviewed Ward Cunningham about software trends, his EclipseCon keynote presentation, social software and global collaboration. During the 20-minute interview (play), Ward discussed Eclipse, wiki, agile development, extreme programming (XP) and his personal style of development.
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Ward is a well-known figure in the software development community, in part because of the wiki and design patterns collectively known as "Extreme Programming" or "XP." In the interview, he discusses his interest in social software and how self-organizing open source projects can achieve success using agile development techniques. He noted the combination of social software and open source is what brought him to the Eclipse Foundation, where he is Director of Committer Community Development.
Ward studied at Purdue University before co-founding Cunningham & Cunningham, Inc. He served as Director of R&D at Wyatt Software and as Principal Engineer in the Tektronix Computer Research Laboratory. He is also founder of the Hillside Group. Ward is the co-author of Fit for Developing Software and The Wiki Way.
MP3, podcast running time 20:01
EclipseCon Keynote Presentation Slides
Software Development Creativity the Wiki Way (download).
Eclipse Foundation
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Ward Cunningham The father of wiki
Fit for Developing Software Rick Mugridge, Ward Cunningham
Prentice Hall PTR (2005)
ISBN: 0321269349
The Wiki Way Software
Bo Leuf, Ward Cunningham
Addison-Wesley Professional (2001)
ISBN: 020171499X