SQL Server 2005: Integrating SQL, XML, and XQuery
The evolution of SQL and the XML Query Language (XQuery) continues with the work of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS). Providers of SQL database management systems have upgraded products such as Microsoft SQL Server to support the storage and retrieval of XML documents.
Microsoft has provided stored procedures and Transact-SQL extensions for working with XML. Microsoft introduced even more changes with SQL Server 2005.
Dr. Michael Rys
Program Manager
SQL Server XML Technologies
The newest SQL standard (SQL:2003) includes an XML data type and SQL/XML functions. The XQuery 1.0 specification is a W3C Candidate Recommendation.
Dr. Michael Rys of Microsoft discusses these issues in relation to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (code-named Yukon). He is a member of the W3C XML Query Working Group and the co-author of XQuery from the Experts and XML Data Management.
Dr. Rys was the author of one of the position papers presented at the 1998 W3C Query Workshop (QL'98). He's been a participant in the development cycle for the XQuery language, including development of a data model, query algebra, formal semantics, use cases, and a formal specification for language.
Interview with Michael Rys
In an interview recorded in San Diego, Michael discusses SQL Server 2005 support for XQuery, SQL/XML and the SQL:2003 standard. He discusses b-tree, quadtree, and r-tree indexes and pluggable and selectable indexing techniques for XML documents. He also comments about the evolution of XQuery.
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Expert Panel Discussion
Michael Rys participated in an discussion at XML 2004 about SQL/XML, XQuery and Databases. Participating were other members of the XML Query Working Group and well-known XML gurus. Joining Michael were Ron Bourret, Dana Florescu, Michael Kay and (moderator) Jonathan Robie.
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Ken North is editor of SQLSummit.com, GridSummit.com and .
On The Web
Center of the Universe: The Microsoft View
The vision of 21st century data management as told by Jim Gray and Michael Rys.
What's New in FOR XML in SQL Server 2005
InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards
World Wide Web Consortium
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